Friday 6 May 2011

509 votes, and it's all over... (till the referendum)

Well, a truly historic night for Scottish politics, with a seismic shift in the political representation of the Highlands and Islands. The Highland Liberal tradition has gone the way of the lesser-spotted Scottish Tory, with the SNP the major beneficiaries.

The SSP gained over 500 votes across the region - a small vote, and one which doesn't reflect the support for the SSP's ideas on a day when the SNP swept the board.

But the SSP's vote is not the story today. The SNP victory represents a huge development in Scottish politics. Scotland has shown yet again that the neo-liberal agenda of cuts, privatisation and attacks on the welfare state promoted by the Tory-Lib Dem Coalition in Westminster has no mandate here. We didn't vote for these policies in the UK General Election and they have been resoundingly rejected in the Scottish Election too. Instead, the SNP has won an overall majority in the Scottish Parliament on an election campaign fought on progressive policies - including SSP policies such as free prescription charges - and on independence.

The people of Scotland have spoken, and they have broken with the traditional ties to the Liberals and to Labour. Even 20 years ago, a vote for the SNP was seen as a 'wasted vote' in many areas of Scotland. 5 May 2011 has changed that forever, and that has implications for all of Scotland's political parties.

The next five years will be hugely exciting for those on the Left in Scotland. The SSP will campaign enthusiastically for a 'yes' vote in the independence referendum, putting forward our vision of an independent socialist Scotland in contrast to the SNP's pro-big business, 'Celtic Tiger' alternative. We will continue to campaign in our communities and in our workplaces, fighting injustice and inequality. And we will continue to argue for the socialist ideas and principles which are as relevant to Scotland in 2011 as they have ever been.

Be part of rebuilding the Left in Scotland – join the SSP today.

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