Wednesday 4 May 2011

Well, the big day is here! Polls have opened, so make sure that whatever you do today, you go out and use your vote.

The SSP is asking for your second vote - the peach coloured ballot paper for the Highlands and Islands regional list.

Whoever you choose to support in the constituency ballot, you can use your second vote to support the SSP and vote for a party with principles and integrity. The SSP have shown over the past decade that we are a party prepared to stand up for our beliefs. Our MSPs take the average wage of a skilled worker, because if you earn the £60k+ our representatives are awarded, you can't understand what your constituents face on a day to day basis.

The polls show that the SNP are on track for a second term, with the Greens gaining strong support too. But there's something missing from that progressive rainbow - a socialist voice in Parliament. The SSP stand up against injustice in our communities and workplaces the length and breadth of Scotland - lets have an SSP presence in Parliament too!

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